Monday, August 21, 2017

SA Camp Hawaii Youth Learn at Oceanic Institute of HPU

This past July two groups of students from SA Camp Hawaii visited Oceanic Institute (OI) of HPU as part of their ocean science focus.  The campers ranged in age from 7 to 11 years old and were from South Korea, China, Hawaii, and the continental States.  

While at OI they learned about aquaculture in Hawaii and around the world as well as the research being conducted at the Institute.  Using dissecting microscopes, the students were tasked with identifying the live larval feed organisms that make it possible to culture yellow tang and other marine ornamental larvae.  

Their day wrapped up with a hands-on shrimp tagging demonstration during which they got to see and touch a live broodstock shrimp tagged with visual implant elastomers and an eyestalk (bird leg) tag.  These tags allow researchers to identify shrimp families and individuals.  

Despite their young age they all came away with an understanding of the importance of research to further aquaculture for food and marine conservation.

For more information, contact Gary Karr,
Director, Training and Education Department
Oceanic Institute of Hawai‘i Pacific University

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